Waste management

We offer various balers, shredders, trim cutters and cutter blowers, which make your waste management easier. See more below, or contact for a more specific enquiry.


Blower Application Company Inc., BloApCo from Wisconsin – USA supplies a wide range of machines for your waste management.

Anise Trend:

ANIS Trend d.o.o. is an internationally known manufacturer of balers with headquarters in Slovenia. They have developed, designed and manufactured a wide range of robust, automatic balers for compacting all types of waste materials for over 25 years.


Strautmann Umwelttechnik GmbH was founded by the Strautmann Group in 1993 in Melle in Lower Saxony. They develop and produce balers for compacting recyclable materials such as cardboard packaging, film, PET bottles, airpop® (EPS) and residual waste. The product range extends from single-chamber balers and multi-chamber balers to semi- and fully automatic balers.

(+45) 66 133 941